the delay is all over the shop, the drums are nice, but the melody guitar over-rides everything, did you listen to this back before submitting?:)
the delay is all over the shop, the drums are nice, but the melody guitar over-rides everything, did you listen to this back before submitting?:)
quality sound,a little peaking imo, your skills should be put to better use than 4/4 dance
fuck off
Thanks for your wonderful criticism.
being a fan of old style hip-hop...'s nice, a little too much reverb on the beats to classify it as old school, but very good, now all you need is eazy e, yella and dre.:)
I'll look into changing the reverb, and you just gave me a good idea, putting royalty free lyrics on the track.
sounds like thom yorke got trapped in a box of percussion and is struggling to get out
That's my second favourite response ever.
chippy chips
man i love chip/lo-fi. The sub-bass in this tune is genius. this trk almost could be a theme for a mobile phone company:) Loved it, really addictive.
Hey, wow - a month late with my response. (sorry)
Thanks for the comments - Now I guess I'll need to start calling mobile service companies. ;)
I find this very sad, that's not to say it isn't entertaining. Maybe you should utilise your talents into making some original material that doesn't whore off a website?
Not bad though, get's 7/10 from me.
Indeed, there are some times when I consider that I could make some original material, and in fact I have. Examples include the personal Odes I do from time to time, the two of which are also submissions into the Audio Portal. On the side, however, I also do my usual voice acting, so I guess sometimes I just like to take material that already exists and put an original twist on it.
Thank you for your opinion, nevertheless. I'm glad it still managed to get a decent score from you.
good stuff
corny techno sounds, but very well made and produced.
Would've been better as a DnB track imo.
might be, but i would have to redo the whole thing then =/ and the bass was to.. phumping and non-gritty to be a dnb. but who knows? maybe ill try that remake some time ;D thanks for the review :D
h e l l o
bass volume is fine, nice n subby which is how i like it.
This is a very chilled tune which I think is crying out for some female vocals in an 'Air Moon Safari' kinda way.
Really nice, but the birdy warble gets a little irritating in parts, i would take it out after the start.
The piano sounds a little out of place imo, i would like to have heard a synth sound instead, something nice and lo-fi.
Good tune man.
Thanks for the review. I'm not quite sure if i should keep the piano in the ending but thanks for the suggestion.
Joined on 11/2/04