
346 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Really atmospheric track. Definately conjoures up the image of a UFO hovering and preparing to land over a field full of cows. I say cows cos there's a synth sound that sounds like an electronic cow moo, I like it! If an animator doesn't pick up on this tune for a weird Sci-Fi, alien landing kind of animation then they deserve to have there hands severed with a sharp broken biro. Amen.

Rucklo responds:

Haha, that´s the base line that sounds like a cow, i reckon! I just loved that metaphor, cant stop laughing/crying :D
It looks like several animators should get their hands severed, though :)
Thx for the laughter, man!

I like the sounds...

....I can't stand the cheese! I can appreciate the quality of the production, I can understand why you chose those sounds, (I think u should use them in a more experimantal, chillout/ambient tune with glitchy beats), but I am not a fan of this style of tune. A cross between Happy Hardcore and Trance will never appeal to me. This is Sickly Sweet, which I know u are aware of, but this sort of tune does my head in! You have a lot of talent and i feel u r wasting it writing tunes like this, especially when u can write tunes like 'Jizz Castles', bad name, great tune! Sorry, I just read that back and it comes across as a bit harsh, but this tune just aint my thing.

AdmiralConquistador responds:

Hahaha, I know man you are definitely more into the experimental stuff than this style. I'm glad at least you appreciate the quality of the production, I usually don't like to put out a shoddy product. But, don't say I didn't warn ya, I said it would rot your teeth! Haha, anyway don't worry about sounding harsh, I read it exactly the way I'm sure you thought it, and I understand your reaction to this style. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to review, and for the high score!


It aint DnB!......

....but it is a nice tune. Kinda reminds me of some in-game menu music. It isn't a standalone song. The parts are nice and the production is superb, but it does nothing for me.

super-pollum responds:

As a matter of facts I wanted to use this tune to rap under or just say sentence without telling any story.

Thank u for ur time

I didn't know u were dead!

U seem to be trying your hand at all sorts of different tunes/styles at the mo, and I must say, I like the diversity. This tune is nicely written, simple but effective mood music.
Good stuff. Check out my new tune "What Happens If I Push That?". Catch ya later.

DJRunaway responds:

Hehe :) Hey my big musical inspiration , thanks for the review. Too bad some pathetic dickwad voted 0... :P Anyway, I'll take a listen :)


......disjointed and really bad. Why submit something like this? You obviously didn't write any of the parts, as they are just random samples of guitar parts and overly sped up drum parts. Please try to make something worthwhile, as this just gets in the way of good submissions to the audio portal.

Bobhellbringer responds:

i was just testing out some guitar sounds so sorry if it sucked ass

Not bad........

...Sounds like you've glued a lot of samples together that dont quite fit. It has a certain charm to it in places, and some nice touches but overall it sounds messy and lacks any direction. The main drum loop that runs throughout would sound better dry, without the effect. I like the sliced sound that comes in towards the end of the trk, but it's a case of too little to late for me i'm afraid. I think u need to choose your samples more carefully, instead of using things that happen to be at the same bpm. Sorry if u think i'm being a little harsh, but i'm just tryin to give some friendly advice:)

TVs-Slayer responds:

Yeah, I actually agree with most of what you said. The song got hacked into three different pieces for the chase scene, and its supposed to go all over the place without any real purpose. This is just the long version. Thats my excuse anyway. This really isn't very good as a stand alone song, but thought I'd throw it out here for public consumption and ridicule. Thanks for the review and better than I hoped for score.


....this tune is nice and mellow. I like the flanger sounds and the drums roll along nicely. Smooth chord progression, albeit a simple one. Thing I like the most is the almost Out of tune bassline which doesn't sound like it should fit, but it does! My only critisism is that not enough happens throughout the track, but I think it would work really well as a backing for a flash game. Nice stuff.

Lova-Gurl responds:

I know i tried puttin other stuff in it but it didn't sound right so it kinda sounds empty. But anyway thanks for the review!


Those are some awesome Big Beat drums! Like the weird chanting, mantra style monks in the background as well. Solid tune! Check out my new trk GhostTrain and see what u think.

Bosa responds:

This is what I've been working on for the past few days. Yes, I could say this is my best work. Thanks for the review. I'm forwarding to GhostTrain. Still more to come!

Your friend, ßosa

Nice Bassline....

Yo, hows tricks man? Well now, this is rock and it isn't! It a strange kinda techy-rock hybrid. I like the bass a lot, and the drums are good. It would be interesting to hear some vocals over the top of this tune. Check out my new tune GhostTrain, and gimme a good vote cos some bastard has already voted 0 on it. It doesn't deserve a 2.5, I think it's pretty good. This could be a whole new direction for you, the production is amazing and with some real guitar and vox thrown into the mix it would help give the tune a 'live' quality. Nice.

DJRunaway responds:

:D :) Hehe, I'll contact you on MSN, with vocals this could be cool :D
Thnx :)

DJ Runaway

Needs work...

....some really nice elements in this tune, which is verging on the experimental/AphexTwin style of Hip-Hop, with those strange voices and stop-starts. The sounds used are nice and retro-lo-fi, but they really don't sound cool enough! I know that's an annoying thing to say, but for this type of tune u have to make it sound cooler and weirder than anything else that has passed before. Have a listen to some Prefuse73 stuff, as I think it will add direction to your tunes. I think it's great, and nice and experimental, it's just that i have heard so many things that are more comprehensive than this tune. It's good, but fuck with it more!

Mister-Twitch responds:

Thanks a lot, the audio reviews are beter than the portal reviews (go figure). I'm using Live on a tiny CPU so every time I have too many MIDI inputs. I'm working on it, don't fret.

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