Good stuff.
Very nice pad intro, i could almost quite happily listen to that itself, floating around in my phones. The trk breaks in well with the drums and squelchy(ish) bassline. The drums might have a little too much high end EQ on them though. It's a very loud trk volume wise, not sure whether the levels are peaking or not, but it could do with being turned down a notch or two in my opinion, I can normally comfortably listen to music through my phones at about 3/4 my main volume and I had to turn this trk down to under half volume to stop my head from exploding:) Nice use of layers to build a good arrangement, but perhaps a little more development with the drums would be nice, a prominent bridge section too. I like the backing fx too, the swirling/watery noise, but i think it does go on for too long throughout the trk and kinda gets in the way a little, I would think about having it in for less time, maybe just the first part of the trk, to free up the mix later on for development. I like the simple string melody and think it works very effectively as a main focal point.
Overall I think it's a good trk with some nice ideas but not enough variance.