That is uperb, loved it!¬
That is uperb, loved it!¬
Very Very Funny.
Just my sort of base-level humour! Once again you show how it should be done. Loved your 'Video Dating Tape' flash as well, excellent stuff. Keep em coming Duck!!
Love the style of this animation, the fluidity and graphics are excellent. I'm looking forward to the next episode. Best thing I've seen on newgrounds.
ha ha
Made me chuckle. I like the fact it wasn't scripted, some of the best bits where when u couldn't remeber what the bears name was and the huge amount of swearing coming from the angry shopkeepers mouth. Funny stuff, if not a little strange, but that's how I like it!!
I shall keep an eye out for more of your stuff.
Good Shit.
The look on the guy's face when the song finally kicks in made me spit my drink all over my screen!!
Really good.
I don't know if u are aware of a poem called the HitchHiker by Jim Morrison, but it might really add to this animation if it was used as backing narration. good work.
I like the style of this Flash.
Really stylish. You fancy picking one of my tracks from the Audio Portal and doing an animation to it? Go on, you know u want to!!
I am just starting out learn Flash, so I can't make a decent music video yet.
Made me laugh. Good shit!
Joined on 11/2/04